New Chadderton Partnership - (The Organisation)
New Chadderton Partnership is a constitued community organisation that applied successfully to be recognised by Oldham Council as a forum as defined by the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and as amended by the Localism Act 2011. New Chadderton Partnership is a membership organisation, with a management committee drawn from its membership. The basic purpose of the Partnership is to promote and improve the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the area.
Chadderton residents aged over 16, can complete a simple application form to become a member of the organisation.
The Neighbourhood Forum
The New Chadderton Partnership (organisation) will be working to establish a formal Neighbourhood Forum for the discussion of issues that may affect the area as well as ideas that may enhance it such as transport planning, health, local public issues, local businesses and open spaces. The Neighbourhood Forum will exist in several forms:-
Online Consultations
Community Events
Published Information
The Forum will be open to all Chadderton residents at all times, not just the members of The New Chadderton Partnership
The Neighbourhood Plan
In establishing the Organisation and the Forum , the aim is to develop a Neighbourhood Plan. The reason for preparing a Neighbourhood Plan is to allow the community to identify and implement a shared vision for the neighbourhood and shape its growth and development. So it can choose where development should go and what it should look like.
It must support the strategic policies of approved strategic plans (The Oldham Local Plan and the Greater Manchester Places for Everyone Plan) and cannot provide for less development than identified in those strategic plans but it can identify the best sites for that development and form policies for how such development should be implemented.
These decisions will have to be taken into consideration when planning applications are determined so the plan offers a genuine opportunity for residents to make informed comments and decisions which should help to ensure a high quality of development that will be genuinely beneficial to the Chadderton community.